A day in the life of a sleep consultant

If you’ve been dreaming of a more flexible career since having your little one/s - you’re not alone. We felt that way too and are forever grateful for the flexibility being Sleep Consultants has given us.
Are you nosey like us?
Well if you are then I bet you’d love a breakdown of what a working day looks like for us!
Here is a look inside Jazz’s day (one of the BSS Co Founders and Founder of Let’s Sleep a successful 6 figure Sleep Consulting business):
7AM - Wake up for the day, tea in bed, breakfast with hubs and 3.5 year old Hazel and getting ready for daycare drop off
8.15AM - Daycare drop off with 7 year old Mastiff cross Loui in the boot!
8.30AM - Pickup a coffee and head to the beach for an hour walk with pup
9AM - Check in via whatsapp with current 1:1 clients (see how their night went and if they have any questions)
10AM - Back home, freshened up and at the desk ready to start some work, check in with 1:1 clients again via whatsapp (commonly when babies have finished their morning nap and may need help with troubleshooting!)
11AM - Consultation via zoom with a new client for 45 mins - 8 month old Rosie and her parents join the call
12PM - 1PM - Lunch sitting outside in the garden by the pool soaking up some vitamin D
1PM - Check in with clients in online membership on facebook (answering their sleep questions)
2PM - 2.30PM - 2 x 15 minute discovery calls with parents keen for support with sleep
2.30PM - Jump on IG live and chat about the 4 month sleep progression
3PM - Check emails and instagram DM’s / comments
4PM - End of the working day, quick tidy up at home, dinner prep
4.30PM - Pick up Hazel from daycare
There is a sneak peak inside a typical day as a sleep consultant with a strong focus on self care and starting the day with intention.
One of Jazz’s favourite things is that she can design her days to suit her needs and the needs of her family.
If Hazel is sick and needs to stay home - it’s easy to reshuffle her day and be present to care for Hazel.
Every day looks a bit different of course (and we kind of love that no 2 days are the same).
If flexibility and freedom are things you’re craving within your life - come and find out a bit more about our Family Sleep and Wellness Coach Program. Within just 4 months you can kickstart a flexible and fullfilling career and have days just like this. Click here to find out more.
As always - any questions about Sleep Consulting or this career, drop us an email at [email protected]
Jazz and Amy
BSS Co Founders